
For the first time, the SMB Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Congress will offer training workshops for interested attendees!
Two workshops will be offered:


Workshop 1 Plants&Python

a series of lessons in coding, plant biology, computation, and bioinformatics / una serie de lecciones de programación, biología vegetal, cómputo, y bioinformática.
Instructors: Dr. Alejandara Rougon Cardoso (UNAM ENES León) and Dr. Daniel Chitwood (Michigan State University).

What will you need? A laptop computer with WiFi connectivity. We will be using a public, bilingual resource available at the following link:

Workshop summary:
In this workshop, instructors Dr. Rougon Cardoso and Dr. Chitwood will introduce you to Plants&Python: a series of lessons in coding, plant biology, computation, and bioinformatics. Students and researchers who have no coding experience but would like to learn Python to use for modeling, statistics, data analysis, or bioinformatics should take this course to get started. Participants in this workshop will download the necessary tools to begin using Python and an interactive coding environment called Jupyter notebooks. Students will learn basic coding strategies, including how to plot data and how to construct a loop using plant-inspired examples. Students will also learn how to access the command line and use UNIX commands for data mining. We expect this workshop to be small (no more than 25 participants) with lots of interaction and individual student attention.


Workshop 2: Ensembl Genome Browser workshop

Instructor: Dr. Aleena Mushtaq (EMBL-EBI).

What will you need? A laptop computer with WiFi connectivity.
Note: This workshop will be conducted in English.

Workshop Summary:
In this workshop, Dr. Aleena Mushtaq from the European Bioinformatics Institute, will walk you through the Ensembl tools. No programming skills are required. This workshop will provide a comprehensive training on navigating the Ensembl genome browser, accessing genetics, variation, comparative genomics, and regulation data, as well as effectively utilizing the BioMart data mining tool, and how to use public information accessible through the Ensembl databases to complement your research.
IRD, France.

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